Hello! This is Mini Me Ines Pratiwi : Barbie Doll

by - Sabtu, November 28, 2020

Ines Pratiwi

Hello All!!!

This is the first website that I created. You can see and find out as much as I addressed through the archives here. This website contains a variety of many lessons I have gained a variety of interesting info about my stories. I also put in some of my articles as the young journalist. I am required to be diligent in writing through scientific papers and newspapers. The first thing that I will give the education, because to me education is the most important thing in this world. Without learning the object of an investigation, I always expect what I can give benefit to the public. Not only that, I want to give me some knowledge of the readers of this blog to find out the perspective in a paradigm that can be understood in a constitutional manner. I do this, so that the reader does not feel bored to information and knowledge that I gave. good read!

Pink & Red Dress Hijab

Before you want to read all about my blog, I will to introduce about myself. My name is Ines Pratiwi and people always call me Ines. My passion is Art, speaking enthusiast, writing, photography, fashion, and building idea, get disscussing with another people, also the first is Barbie. I love very much anything about Barbie especially vintage barbie. Maybe, in the future, I will to tell you more about Barbie, like review Barbie Doll in another series, how to treatment barbie, fashion barbie day by day, and all about my community called Barbie Lovers Community Indonesia. 

Barbie Lovers Community

This website also contain all tips & tricks for a woman. I think people will be like it because all about woman  is interesting to get know more. Feminine and why most of them likes pink color, woman in the form of Barbie. How to increase work productivity. All my books, my poem, also my Barbie Story. 

Oh... Don't forget to visited my second blog, Click this link http://inesputeriwidjaja.blogspot.com/

That blog is all about my doll...

Thank you for Coming!  

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